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Сложная ситуация (liliaw77) - 4

liliaw77: К сведению участников форума! В данной теме ведется жесткое модерирование постов участников. Все некорректные или оскорбительные посты будут удалятся без объяснения причин и дальнейших дискуссий в теме или в личной переписке. Убедительная просьба в данной теме не читать морали другим и не давать оценку действиям участников. Lenna, narska, Вкуфь FAQ Вид на жительство и разрешение на работу 2011 Формы совместной жизни или как подстелить соломку Партнерство / брак и вид на жительство Насилие в семье и вид на жительство Тема "Аренда жилья" Насилие в семье и обществе Начало истории 1; 2; 3 отрывок из письма одной из жертв "Антошки": [more] I had to run away from him.. (my 3rd time did succeed) As he took my papers, passaports, my phone, the key from the house.. I did stayed hostage in his house in the woods. Thanks to my Dutch girlfriend - she came along and did break the door. Then she picked me up and we run first to the police and then to the Airport... He was telling me if I run away - he will first tell to the authorities I did steal his money, that my papers are false, and that I am very dangerous and sick. (and laughing as everybody will beleave him and not me.... as I am nothing and nobody here in his country). Then he was telling me every day - If I run away, he will find me everywhere in this world and kill me.Or I stay with him, or I am a dead person. He is even ready to go to the jell... but I will not live in this world without him as he is the true one for me, etc.. (you had to see this crazy eyes when he was telling me this every day, day by day... First crying, then yelling and damaging everything in the house, throughing with things in me, pushing my hairs and slamming my face... I was even scared to say something, not even answer to his dons'... It was a horrible time. I was deep in depression and didn't want to live anymore... And that was me!! A businesswoman with he own auto-spares shop, with a university degree in Economics and Finance, a girl who spoke at her 21 years old in 7 foreign languages, coming from a wonderful high-class family with old traditions and good education... Thanks God everything is now in the past and I can laugh about all that moments and be careful about my life right now. I take that moment as a lesson, a very important lesson in my life and I am grateful for everything! About dates and times .... I did run away in the begin of February last year. I went to my own country, and then on 14 March I came back to Holland. In April - "somebody" did shut in my window with a gun...(the place is called Abcoude. 20 km from Amsterdam) The police came and fixed this case. I was too scared to tell about my suspicions.. About 2 weeks after - durin the night somebody did through an explosive material in my house thrue the ventilation pipe, next to the gas-aparat.. It was a big exploding. Thanks God just one room and the hall get destroyed.. If the fire has gotten another trajectory, as the gas- aparat was near, then the entire village could get in the air. The police did fix this case too, and some witnesses told them about seeing a big white Vito with a face of a girl (Fortune Hotdrinks car, his car), and 2 guys.. (they did describe Daniel with his clothes and pet he got from me as a present 2 months ago, and his friend Andre... Andre is 2.00 m tall, very big ( fat) and bald. Believe me, i Holland he is the only one so big and without hairs.). I did say that it could be my ex with his friend. The authorities told me to stay calm as they will investigate this case as soon as possible.. yeah! After that - I didn't hear anything. Sure I did move in another house, and another place.. After that - I think Daniel did meet liliaw77 and I got the peace as I didn't hear from him anymore.. [/more]

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dilbeek: Девочки, а что? неужели и вправду управы нет на таких безумных?? Им все позволено что-ли?!! И никаких доказательств??!

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